UNI MLC, UNI APRO Meets with Aeon Co Management
On 29th October 2018, a joint meeting between UNI MLC, UNI APRO and Aeon Co Management was held in Aeon Co Head Office.
The Company was represented:
1. Mr. Poh Ying Loo, Executive Director Corporate Management
2. Mr. Masayuki Omata, General Manager Human Resource and Administration Department
3. Mr. Satoshi Nishikawa, Assistant General Manager Human Resource Development
4. Ms. Grace C.P. Tan, General Manager Human Resource
5. Mr. Zulkepli bin Ahmad, Senior Manager Ethics, Compliance Human Resource
APRO was represented by Bro Satoshi Tamai, UNI Apro Director for
Organising and UNI MLC was represented by Datuk Mohamed Shafie BP
Mammal, President of UNI MLC, Sis. Norhafizawati binti Abdul Halil, Sis.
Preeti Sodhi, Bro. Mohd Nor Azmi bin Shaari.