Saturday, March 27, 2010

TV3 News / Buliten Utama TV3 - 25 March 2010

Signing of the UNI Global Union MOU with Media Prima Berhad (TV3) - "on air"


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Signing of the UNI Global Union Memorandum of Understanding with Media Prima (TV3) Malaysia at Sri Pentas, Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya


Launching of UNICOME

Malaysian retail unions come together in new national union UNICOME

Today Malaysian commerce sector unions formed a national union to increase their strength with employers in the country.
UNICOM brings together 14 registered unions from the local and global retailers represented in Malaysia.

“This a break-through for the commerce sector in Malaysia and we intend to grow the union,” UNI General Secretary Philip Jennings said in his welcome address. Jennings was in Kuala Lumpur for the formation of the union.

UNI Apro President Joe de Bruyn was also present at the ceremony.

“UNI will be working side by side with UNICOM to win new members and to ensure that every retail worker is covered by a collective agreement,” de Bruyn said.

The 14 constituent unions were present for the launch; UNI MLC president Shafie BP Mammal said that the leadership of the 14 unions were all “new generation Malaysians.”

“The majority of staff in the retail sector in Malaysia is young workers and this will be reflected in the leadership of UNICOM,” he said.

UNICOM is part of an ambitious strategy by UNI Apro to grow retail unions in the region. Throughout the region, the global household retail names are now present.

This is a major advance for UNI Commerce Global Union to globalize union representation.

“We welcome UNICOM into the UNI family of unions,” Jennings said.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Assalaamualaikum wa-Rahmatul-laahi wa-Barakaatuh dan Selamat Sejahtera.

Saya ingin mengucapakan Selamat Datang Ke Konvensyen Perwakilan Dwi Tahunan UNI-MLC Yang Ketiga pada 24hb. Mac 2010 kepada semua Presiden, Setiausaha Agung serta Ahli Majlis Jawatankuasa Tertinggi Kesatuan Gabungan dalam UNI-MLC.

Dalam tempoh dua tahun yang lalu UNI-MLC telah berjaya menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti UNI sama ada di Peringkat Nasional, Regional atau Antarabangsa. Walaupun dalam waktu tersebut Dunia telah dikejutkan dengan pelbagai ujian seperti Krisis Ekonomi, Isu Global Warming, Isu Peperangan, Malapetaka Gempa Bumi dan banyak lagi perkara yang berlaku dirantau ini.

Walaupun demikian perspektif Kesatuan Sekerja tidak berubah malahan memberi kekuatan dari segi mental dan fizikal, khususnya apabila Kesatuan -Kesatuan Sekerja menghadapi Rundungan Perjanjian Bersama. Kualiti kepimpinan serta toleransi pemimpin-pemimpin Kesatuan yang mempunyai pengalaman luas serta matang telah memberi satu kelebihan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin Kesatuan Sekerja bagi mengatasinya.

Berbalik kepada aktiviti UNI-MLC kita dapat lihat daripada segi organizing telah memberi satu keputusan baik yang mana jumlah keahlian dalam gabungan UNI-MLC hampit-hampir mencecah 60 Kesatuan. Saya kira jumlah ini akan terus meningkat berdasarkan kepercayaan serta keyakinan dalam perjuangan UNI-MLC.

Berbalik kepada tema Persidangan Dunia UNI Global iaitu Breakingthrough di Nagasaki, Jepun dalam tahun 2010, saya menyeru kepada semua Kesatuan-Kesatuan Gabungan supaya tidak melepaskan peluang ini untuk menyertai Persidangan yang berprestij tambahan pula yang menjadi tuan rumah adalah daripada Kawasan Asia. Peranan Pemuda dan Wanita sangat penting ianya pula diberi perhatian kerana peranan Pemuda dan Wanita akan dibincangkan di Persidangan UNI Global di Nagasaki, Jepun.

Akhir sekali saya ingin merakamkan ucapan Terima Kasih kepada semua Kesatuan Gabungan kerana memberi sokongan serta kerjasama yang terbaik kepada UNI-MLC.

"Selamat Bersidang dan Salam Solidarity"

Bro. Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal
Presiden UNI-MLC




Inauguration Ceremony of UNI Women's Hostel in Aceh

UNI Women's Hostel at Aceh, Krueng Sabee Community Center, was officially inaugurated by Bro. Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal, President of UNI Malaysia Liaison Council and Vice President of UNI Apro.

The Krueng Sabee Community Center had been constructed with the support of UNI Apro and SASK Finland. To date, numerous activities have been conducted in this community center. INGOs/ NGOs like Concern For Kid (CFK), OXFAM, UNHCR, ALO USA, ARNET have used this venue for their relief works, contributing to the general development of Krueng Sabee Community Centre. Other organizations like APHEDA (Australian People for Health, Education and Development Abroad), UNDP and Islamic Relief have also supported this community center by conducting vocational training for local people in Krueng Sabee.

UNI Global Union in particular has also supported the development of business units such as the Car Washing Unit and Water Refill Unit which are aimed at helping the community center to generate income and thereby be financially independent. Today, the revenue generated from these micro business units have helped the community center to be adequately self sufficient.

UNI Hostel for Acehnese Women

A few years into the operating of the community centres in Aceh, it was observed by UNI Global Union that female students who were receiving training/ education in Krueng Sabee Community Center were making long distance travelling between their homes and the community centre, as much as 40 km each way, daily.

This prompted UNI Global Union to look into the construction of an additional building, an all-female hostel, closer to the community centre catered for these young women. Housing priority is given to orphans and less advantaged women within the community. Upon the completion of this female hostel by UNI, sixty (60) young women can now participate more actively in the various trainings provided at the Krueng Sabee Community Center as well as in the school nearby.

On March 16, 2009, the hostel was inaugurated by Bro. Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal, Vice President of UNI Apro and President of UNI MLC. Also present at the inauguration ceremony were Bro. Kun Wardana, Director of UNI Apro, Telecom and IBITS sectors, Bro. M. Rusdi, General Secretary of ASPEK Indonesia and other Trade Union Care Center (TUCC) staff.

The inauguration of the women's hostel was also graced by the attendance of MUSPIKA, DANRAMIL (Military Rayon Commandant), KAPOLSEK (Chief of Sector Police), ULEMMAS, Community Leaders, Board of Community Center Lecturers, Partner Organizations and the Local Society.

The Chairman of Community Centers, Mr.Yusuf expressed his heartfelt gratitude to UNI/UNI Apro for supporting the various projects in Aceh. He is confident that the four community centres in Aceh will continue to be fully utilized by the local community. He also thanked all the Solidarity Support Organisations (SSOs) for their continuous support and cooperation with the community centres. Finally, he attributed the success of the community centres in Aceh to the longstanding cooperation between the community and all the supporting organizations.

source :


Keratan Akhbar UNI-MLC




Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Official Launch of UNIVEN


Association of Telecommunication and Multimedia Vendors Malaysia (UNIVEN) has been officially launched on 20 February 2010 in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

The launch of UNIVEN was attended by 70 participants who come from High Speed Broadband Companies, Vendors, BPO, Call Centers, ITES professionals including expatriate (migrant workers).

UNI Global Union-Malaysian Liaison Council (UNI MLC) Project office in Kuala Lumpur has been actively carrying out organizing and awareness campaigns in 17 BPO/CC companies in the industry. There are still a lot of outsourced Multinational BPO/Call Centers which the organizers hope to penetrate eventually.

After long struggle, the registration of an organization to organize and service BPO/CC workers in Malaysia has finally materialized. With immediate effect this association can represent all workers in the BPO/CC Sector which includes Professional and Managerial Group (P&MS).

Currently, UNIVEN has 2,213 members from 17 BPO/CC companies in Malaysia. UNIVEN coverage is nationwide including Sabah and Sarawak.

At the event, Muzaffar Hussin, “Yang Dipertua” of UNIVEN, informed about the history and the encouraging progress until the establishment of UNIVEN. Mohd Shafie BP Mammal, President of UNI MLC, mentioned that “this establishment of UNIVEN is very critical in Malaysia, without this we can’t go further because in the past, this sector is not structured”.

He also said that this success is largely due to the support of LBC-NVK Belgium and UNI Global Union - Asia and Pacific (UNI Apro). The other key success is the hardwork from our people and also improved communcation with the Government. This is the first in the history that the government approved the use of the term “Multimedia” as the name of the union, Shafie added.

Kun Wardana Abyoto, Director of Telecom Sector UNI0 Apro, who officiated this launching mentioned that this is a magnificent breakthrough. This is a milestone for the representation and effective organization for BPO/CC employees in Malaysia. We are confident that UNIVEN will play a major role to improve the working condition, build union awareness and policies that recognizes workers rights, fair wages, safety and health, decent work environments, and the right to be represented among ITES Professional and Call Center workers. This success will be a model for other country like Indonesia which also has a lot of BPO/Call Centers.

In this event, the new committee of UNIVEN was formed, and they asked Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal to be the President of UNIVEN.

The delegates expressed their gratitude to UNI MLC, UNI Apro, and LBC NVK, because currently they have a shelter to protect their rights.

UNIVEN will be seeking affiliation with UNI Global Union this year after the general meeting is held.


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