Friday, March 29, 2019

Sesi Temu Ramah oleh Pelajar Fakulti Pengurusan Perniagaan, Universiti Teknologi MARA di bawah program Sarjana Muda Sumber Manusia bersama Presiden UNI MLC


Thursday, March 28, 2019

Technical Meeting on Aeon & Co Roadshow


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Seminar on Partnership Industrial Relations "Determined and Prepared for the Future", 25- 26 March 2019, Kuala Lumpur


UNI MLC in cooperation with UA Zensen Japan and UNI APRO held a two day workshop for 40 participants from the Retail sector Unions in Malaysia (UNICOME) on 25 and 26 March 2019 in Kuala Lumpur.

The opening of the Seminar was done by Y.Bhg. Tuan Haji Azzal bin Haji Abu Talib, Pengarah, Jabatan Hal Ehwal Kesatuan Sekerja Selangor dan W.P. Kuala Lumpur

Among those present were Bro. Kenji Eto, National Organiser, Organising Bureau, UA Zensen Japan, 
Sis Hanae Nakano, Director International Affairs, UA Zensen Japan, Sis Alice Chang, Director of UNI Apro Commerce and Datuk Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal, President of UNI MLC.

UNI MLC also invited Guests Speakers to deliver papers on the following topics:

“Role of PERKESO towards Workers” By Y.Bhg. Dr Edrin Nazri bin Abdul Rasid, Ketua Cawangan Pencegahan dan Promosi Kesihatan Pekerja. Social Security Organisation (PERKESO)

2. “Fourth Industrial Revolution in the Era of Digitalisation in the Retail Sector” By Bro. A. Prem Kumar, Deputy President UNI MLC

Datuk Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal, President of UNI MLC presented a paper on "Challenges in  the Retail Sector in Malaysia brought upon by E-Commerce and Smart Partnership and Good Labour-Management Relations".

Sis. Alice Chang presented a paper on "Development in the Retail Sector Industry" while Bro Kenji Eto presented his paper on "Smart Partnership and Health and Safety in Commerce Sector".

The presentation was followed by a dialogue session between the participants and the respective Speakers.

The seminar was officially closed by Sis Hanae Nakano, Director International Affairs, UA Zensen Japan.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Kunjungan Hormat UNI MLC ke Mahkamah Perusahaan Malaysia pada 25 Mac 2019


Seramai 25 Pemimpin dari UNI MLC telah membuat kunjungan hormat ke Mahkamah Perusahaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur pada 25hb Mac 2019 bagi tujuan mengeratkan silaturahim.

Y.A. Tuan Eddie Yeo Soon Chye, Presiden Mahkamah Perusahaan telah menerima kunjungan kami bersama-sama dengan Y.A. Tuan Gulam Muhiaddeen bin Abdul Aziz, Y.A. Dato' Fredrick Indran X.A. Nicholas dan Dato' Jalaldin bin Haji Hussain.

UNI MLC diketuai oleh Y.Bhg Datuk Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal, Presiden UNI MLC dan menyifatkan lawatan kerja ini sangat berjaya dan memberi munafaat kepada Pemimpin-Pemimpin UNI MLC.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

President UNI MLC visited Tuan Hj Md Jaya General Secretary KESPEP at Hospital Pakar UITM, Sungai Buloh

Doakan semoga Tuan Haji Md Jaya cepat sembuh dan dipermudahkan Allah


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